Oras in English
I am a Finnish senior advisor, consultant, city councillor and deputy Member of Parliament. I have an MSSc from Tampere University and split my time between Tampere and Stockholm.
I represented the Greens in the Finnish Parliament in 2004-15. From 2007 until 2011 I served as a climate policy specialist in the Prime Minister’s Office. In 2014-19 I was also a deputy Member of the European Parliament and in 2016-22 a Committee member for the European Green Party.
I first got involved with politics in local elections as an 18-year-old high school student in 1996 and was elected straight away as a deputy city councillor in Tampere. I became the youngest and first openly gay member of the Finnish parliament at the age of 26.
I was involved in non-governmental organisations since I was about 14. In 1996 I was one of the founding members of Friends of the Earth Finland and served as a vice-chairperson for two years.
I moved to Tampere after living for 15 years in Jyväskylä. In spring 2000 I lived for a bit more than three months in New Delhi, India. I have also lived in Helsinki and Brussels.
Apart from politics, I have worked for media, academia, NGOs and companies, for instance as a publications editor in the then Service Centre for Development Cooperation and as a journalist for the Finnish Broadcasting Company. Currently I work as a Senior Advisor at the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra and in my own climate and sustainability consultancy Tyrsky.
When I have time, I like to hang out with friends, travel by train, listen to music, watch movies, cook and read. To balance the long hours sitting at the computer or in meetings, I walk, ride a bike, go jogging or do HIIT training at home.
Some things I enjoy: Iceland, David Lynch movies, wind power, lentils, Barbapapa, cats, Björk, elderflower drinks, Japanese language, fast trains, Marvel, science fiction, Aphex Twin and climate action.
In spring 2023, I am running again for the national parliament in the district of Pirkanmaa (the area around Tampere). Finnish citizens can vote in advance from 22 to 28 March and on the election day on 2 April. Information in English will be added later.
Contact information
e-mail firstname@iki.fi
phone +358 50 512 1584
Twitter and Instagram @orastynkkynen
External links
LinkedIn profile
Wikipedia article